Dreaming about Candles | A Sign of Illumination Therapy?

dreaming about candles

Hello Folks, I hope you all are doing well. So I just want to ask you: have you ever seen a dream that featured candles? I bet that you are not the only one who saw that.

Dreaming about candles is getting more common these days, and their can be a ton of explanations for that, but as you all know, we will only explore the spiritual side of it, so let’s begin.

In this blog post, we will unveil the hidden meaning behind dreaming about candles. We will also discuss some common scenarios related to these dreams and finally look at their religious and cultural perspective.

Short Answer

Dreaming about candles often symbolizes hope, guidance, and spiritual growth. The color and context of the candle in your dream can add deeper meaning, reflecting your subconscious thoughts and emotions.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Candles?

Candles in dreams can symbolize different aspects of life, depending on the person’s own experience. But generally speaking, candles represent the following things:


The flickering flame of the candle can be seen as a light of hope for us that guides us through life’s challenges.


Candles are also known as a symbol of one’s spiritual journey and his own true inner self.


A person’s imagination and creativity are ignited by the gentle glow of candles.


When you see burning candles in dreams, that signifies your personal growth and a phase of spiritual transformation.

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candle in a dream

What Do Different Candle Colors in Dreams Symbolize?

Whenever you see candles in your dreams, try to focus on the color of those candles, as the color of the candles adds a unique meaning. Following is a guide to different colored candles and their symbolism.

Dreaming about white candles:

When you dream about white candles, this usually symbolizes purity, truth, and spiritual enlightenment.

Dreaming about red candles:

When you dream about red candles, this usually symbolizes passion, love, and the intense emotions with which you are dealing.

Dreaming about blue candles:

Dreams that feature blue candles represent challenges to a persons communication. tranquility and his spiritual healing.

Dreaming about yellow candles:

Since dreams depend heavily on a person’s own life experience, dreaming about yellow candles can symbolize a person’s true intellect, creativity, and personal power.

Dreaming about black candles:

Black candles sound gothic in themselves, so when you dream about black candles, it symbolizes unsolved mysteries and their not-so-good endings, and on top of that, it may mean a dire need to banish negative energies surrounding you.

dream bright candles

Common scenarios related to dreaming about candles

Following are some of the common dream scenario’s related to candles.

Dreaming about birthday candles:

Their is a rich connection between wishes coming true, personal growth, and life transitions when a person keeps dreaming about birthday candles.

Birthday candles usually symbolize a person’s deepest desires and life goals; they may also represent significant events in one’s life and his personal achievements.

Dreams like these often encourage you to celebrate your tiny achievements and set new goals. If you were struggling to blow out candles, it represents the challenges you are or are about to face in achieving those goals.

Dreaming about candle light:

In most instances, dreaming of candlelight points towards revelation, hope and guidance. Among other things, it means,

A small but important source of clarity when all else seems ambiguous

Inner guidance or spiritual knowing

Comfort during tough times

Individual power as a change agent

What distinguishes this light? Is it steady and strong or flickering and weak? This reflects either your confidence level at the present time or, rather, the stability surrounding directing principles.

Dreaming about candle light may allow you to listen to your inner voice or serve as a beacon of hope for others in their moments of darkness.

Dreaming about candle wax

Dreaming about candle wax:

In dreams, candles are full of rich meaning about change and time. They could imply:

How easily your situation can be changed?

You have to adopt a more adaptable lifestyle

That which happened yesterday is still affecting you today

The process of converting concepts or feelings into reality

Look at the condition of the wax—is it hard and solid or is it soft and melting? This may give insight into your emotional state or life circumstances.

Dreaming about candle wax might indicate it’s time to reshape yourself or abandon any inflexible assumptions.

Dreaming about candles in the house:

Dreaming of having candles in your home can be an amazing and profound way to gauge how you are feeling emotionally or spiritually.

On the domestic front: they might reflect on the emotional temperature of your home life.

Inside the temple: candles could depict that internal space as well as that private world of yours.

Revealing what is hidden: It may mean that you have not paid attention to these parts of your existence.

Warmth and comfort: In personal life, candles symbolize a sense of safety and comfort.

The positioning of the candles inside the house is significant

Bedroom candles may represent intimacy or rest.

Kitchen candles stand for basic needs (physical or spiritual).

Living room candles might denote social links, household dynamics, or conflict among family members.

Dreaming about birthday candles

Religious perspective on dreaming about candles

Following is what different religious scholars have to say about candles in dreams.

Biblical meaning of dreaming about candles:

Candle dreams in religious scenarios have deeper spiritual relevance, such as:

God’s presence: It can serve as an instrument to guide one’s way.

Spiritual awakening: Candles may signify illumination or stronger faith calling.

Intellect: By this, candles might be understood to mean the wisdom contained in the scripture that lights up one’s path.

Vigilance: This may remind Christians about Jesus’ parable of wise virgins (Matthew 25:1–13).

Therefore, Biblical candle dreams encourage those who believe they should remain ‘on fire’ spiritually prepared for when God calls them.

These also remind people that they must show their light in the world (Matthew 5:14–16).

Ask yourself if your dream implores you to become more involved with your religion or seek divine direction concerning a certain aspect of your life.

Biblical meaning of white candle in a dream:

White candles in dreams, from the Bible’s perspective, often have specific spiritual meanings.

This could be purity: They may represent cleansing away of sins or calling for holy lifestyle.

It might be true: white candles can be used to symbolize the purity of God’s word.

The divine light: could be a symbolic representation of Jesus as the “light to the world” (John 8:12).

White candles may imply victory over darkness or evil fights.

When one dreams about a white candle, it could mean that he should purify his mind, seek the truth in any situation, or remember Christ, who is always present in his life.

It could also indicate a need for spiritual renewal or indicate what faith can do to overcome challenges.

dream about lighting a candle

Candle in dream Islam:

In Islamic dream interpretation, candles can hold various meanings:

Candles mostly stand for knowledge, which equates to illumination and wisdom.

They can guide people towards divinity on a straight path.

A flame symbolizes strong faith in Muslims; this is when a candle on fire depicts high Iman, or deeply rooted faith.

Lights signifying good deeds and acts are represented by candles illuminating one’s days.

Usually Islamic scholars interpret candle visions with reference to Surah An-Nur (24:35), where Allah’s light is compared to a lamp in a niche.

When you dream about candles, you are encouraged to learn more about your religion and increase your good deeds.

Cultural perspective on dreaming about candles

Following is the cultural perspective on dreaming about candles.

Hindu Perspective:

What does dreaming about candles in Hinduism (or similar light sources such as diyas) signify?

  • Divine presence
  • Elimination of ignorance
  • Plenty and good luck
  • Spiritual enlightenment

Lights and flames carry great importance during Hindu rituals. Candles in dreams may mean the person is blessed or needs to deepen their spiritual practice.

Buddhist Perspective:

Candle dreams in Buddhism can mean:

  • Enlightenment and wisdom
  • The impermanence of life
  • Making offerings to Buddha
  • Nurturing tranquility within oneself

Candles are used extensively during Buddhist meditations and rituals. People who dream about candles should perceive it as encouragement to seek enlightenment as well as reflect on the ephemeral nature of things.

African Perspective:

Candle dreams have different meanings in different African societies:

  • Communication with ancestors
  • Ward against evil spirits
  • Purification ceremonies
  • Transition from one stage of life to another

Candles are sometimes used in African traditional beliefs to repel bad energies. Such types of dream behaviors can also be taken as signs for cleansing rituals or requesting for spiritual protection.

Dreaming about candle light

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Does It Mean When You Dream About a Candle in a Church?

A candle in a church dream often symbolizes spirituality, faith, or a connection to something greater than yourself. It might indicate that you are looking for meaning or purpose in your life.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Buying a Candle?

Dreaming about purchasing a candle may be an indication of self-care-seeking, relaxation-seeking, or trying to create an environment of peace. This could imply that you are craving solace and emotional balance.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About a Candle Going Out?

Dreaming about candles going out is slightly disturbing. It indicates feelings of loss, disillusionment, and fear. Perhaps you have suffered some setbacks or are facing challenges that have dimmed your light.


Dreaming about candles often offers deep insights and is really interesting. Whether you need direction, dealing with emotions, or sight-seeing into religiosity, dreams involving candles provide extraordinary lenses through which we see into our unconscious minds.

I hope you truly understood the mystery behind dreaming about candles. Don’t forget to write your feedback in the comments section below. Stay Blessed!

About Muhammad Atif Shah

Hello, welcome to my world of dreams and spirituality! My name is Muhammad Atif Shah, a passionate "Oneirocritic" with over three years of experience in the fascinating field of dream interpretation.

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