50+ Thanksgiving Prayers and Blessings | Original Scriptures

Thanksgiving Prayers and Blessings
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Thanksgiving is a special time to be thankful, reflect, and celebrate. It’s a moment to show our appreciation for the good things we’ve experienced throughout the year.

Whether you’re with family and friends or taking a quiet moment alone, it’s the perfect time to say Thanksgiving prayers and show gratitude for what you have.

In this blog post, we’ll look at what Thanksgiving prayers and blessings mean. We’ll talk about why being thankful is important and how it can make our lives better.

Stay with me till the end, where I will share some examples of Thanksgiving prayers and blessings that you can use to express your thanks.

Thanksgiving Prayers and Blessings (Everyday Prayer)

What are Thanksgiving Blessings?

Thanksgiving blessings are ways to show our gratitude for the good things in our lives. They can be small acts of kindness or big achievements. Here are some examples of Thanksgiving blessings:

  • Good health
  • A loving family
  • A stable job
  • A beautiful home
  • A supportive community

Similarly to Thanksgiving, Birthday is also a day of happiness and brings families together, You might want to learn some biblical prayers and blessings for Birthdays.

Following are some examples of Thanksgiving blessings for loved ones.

Thanksgiving blessings to friends

I believe that Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to express our love and gratitude towards our friends, because friends are the family we choose to spend time together and share our moments of happiness and grief.

Following is a collection of Thanksgiving blessings that you can share with your friends.

greetings for thanksgiving
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“Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with warmth, laughter, and the sweet taste of gratitude. May your day be as special as you are.”

happy thanksgiving friend
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“May your Thanksgiving table be overflowing with love, laughter, and delicious food. May your heart be filled with gratitude for all the good things in your life.”

message for thanksgiving for friends
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“May your Thanksgiving be a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future. May you be filled with gratitude for all that you have.”

Thanks giving blessings to friends
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“Thankful for your friendship, which has been a constant source of support and inspiration. May your Thanksgiving be filled with blessings and joy.”

Thanksgiving blessings to friends
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“May your Thanksgiving be a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebration. May you be surrounded by loved ones and filled with joy.”

thanks giving greetings
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“Sending you warm wishes and heartfelt gratitude on this special day. May your Thanksgiving be filled with blessings and love.”

thanksgiving greetings
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“May your Thanksgiving be a day of peace, joy, and contentment. May you be surrounded by the people you love and cherish.”

thanksgiving message for friends
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“Sending you warm wishes and heartfelt gratitude on this Thanksgiving day. May your heart be filled with joy and your life with blessings.”

thanksgiving messages for friends
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“May your Thanksgiving be a day of giving thanks, sharing love, and creating lasting memories. May you be surrounded by the people you love and cherish.”

thanksgiving wishes for friends
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“Thankful for your friendship, which has brought so much joy and laughter into my life. May your Thanksgiving be filled with love, peace, and happiness.”

Thanksgiving blessings for family

Occasions like Thanksgiving are perfect opportunity for strengthening family ties. You should always incorporate your family values and cultural heritage while offering blessings to your family.

Following is a collection of Thanksgiving blessings that you can share with your family.

blessings on thanksgiving day
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“Thankful for the countless blessings in my life, but most of all, for the love and support of my amazing family. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!”

Blessings thanks giving
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“Grateful for the countless blessings in my life, but most of all, for the love and support of my incredible family. Happy Thanksgiving!”

Blessings thanksgiving
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“May your Thanksgiving be a day filled with gratitude for the love and support of your family. May you cherish every moment together.”

Thanks giving blessings for family
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“Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with the warmth of family, the sweetness of togetherness, and the gratitude of a heart full of love.”

thanks giving messages
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“May your Thanksgiving be a time of cherished memories, heartfelt connections, and the enduring bond of family love.”

Thanks giving for family
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“Thankful for the love, laughter, and support of my amazing family. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and joy.”

Thanksgiving blessings for family
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“May your Thanksgiving be filled with the warmth of family, the joy of togetherness, and the gratitude of a heart full of love.”

thanks giving message
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“May your Thanksgiving be a time of cherished memories, heartfelt connections, and the enduring bond of family love.”

Thanksgiving for family
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“Grateful for the love, laughter, and support of my incredible family. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with blessings and joy.”

thanksgiving blessings
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“May your Thanksgiving be a day filled with gratitude for the love and support of your family. May you cherish every moment together.”

What are Thanksgiving Prayers?

Thanksgiving prayers are ways to show our gratitude. They can be formal or informal, spoken out loud or in silence. Here are some examples:

  • For family and friends: “Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful people in my life. Thank you for my family and friends who love and support me.”
  • For good health: “Thank you, Lord, for giving me good health. I am grateful for the ability to enjoy life and all that it has to offer.”
  • For blessings: “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. I am grateful for your love, your mercy, and your grace.

Having prodigals in your family and friends is getting common, Ask God to guide them by offering warfare prayers for prodigals.

Following are some examples of Thanksgiving blessings for loved ones.

Thanksgiving prayers in the Bible

The Bible that we know of today does not exactly mention Thanksgiving, but it is rich of prayers and verses that are full of gratitude.

Following are some of the lesser-known but extremely powerful biblical prayers of thanksgiving.

bible verse of thanksgiving
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“Gracious God, we acknowledge that every good gift comes from You. As James wrote, ‘Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights’ (James 1:17). We humbly thank You for Your undeserved blessings. Amen.”

bible verse about thanksgiving
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“God of love, we thank You for bringing us together. As Jesus prayed, ‘That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you’ (John 17:21), we pray for unity in our family, community, and world. Amen.”

scriptures on thanksgiving
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“Lord, as we feast today, we remember Your faithfulness. Like the Israelites, we proclaim, ‘He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey’ (Deuteronomy 26:9). Thank You for leading us to this moment. Amen.”

bible verses about thanksgiving
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“Compassionate Father, as we enjoy this abundance, we remember those in need. Your word tells us, ‘And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased’ (Hebrews 13:16). Guide us in sharing Your blessings. Amen.”

Thanks giving prayers in the bible
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“Lord, we thank You for Your overflowing generosity. As the Psalmist said, ‘You crown the year with Your bounty, and Your carts overflow with abundance’ (Psalm 65:11). May we always recognize and appreciate the abundance in our lives. Amen.”

scripture of thanksgiving
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“Creator God, we thank You for the earth’s bounty. As it is written, ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it’ (Psalm 24:1). Help us to be good stewards of Your creation and to share its abundance with others. Amen.”

thanksgiving bible verses
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“Lord, teach us contentment in all circumstances. As Paul said, ‘I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances’ (Philippians 4:11). May we find joy and peace in Your presence, regardless of our situation. Amen.”

Thanksgiving prayers in the bible
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“Heavenly Father, we come before You with joyful hearts. As it is written, ‘Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name’ (Psalm 100:4). We praise You for Your goodness and love. Amen.”

thanksgiving scriptures
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“God of all blessings, teach us to give thanks in all circumstances, as Paul instructed: ‘Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18). May our lives be a constant expression of gratitude. Amen.”

thanksgiving verses in the bible
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“God of grace, may thankfulness overflow from our hearts. As it is written, ‘And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him’ (Colossians 3:17). Let our lives be a continuous song of thanksgiving. Amen.”

Thanksgiving prayers for family gatherings

Thanksgiving offers the best opportunity to unite the generations and bring families together. When praying on such occasions, you must include people of all ages in your prayers and forgive the bad experiences you had with any of your family members.

Following is a collection of Thanksgiving prayers that you can share with your family members.

a thanksgiving prayer
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“Lord, we ask for your forgiveness for any wrongs we have committed against one another. May we extend grace and forgiveness to each other, and may our relationships be renewed. Amen.”

family thanksgiving prayer
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“Lord, we pray for the health and happiness of each member of our family. May your healing touch be upon us all, and may your blessings be abundant. Amen.”

short prayer for thanksgiving dinner
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“Lord, may our gathering be filled with love, laughter, and the joy of being together as a family. May we cherish these moments and create lasting memories. Amen.”

prayer for thanksgiving
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“Lord, we thank you for the memories we have created together as a family. May these memories be a source of joy and strength for us. Amen.”

short prayers for thanksgiving
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“Lord, may peace and harmony reign in our hearts and homes. May we be a source of love and support for one another. Amen.”

short thanksgiving prayer
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“Lord, grant us wisdom and understanding as we gather together. May we listen with open hearts and communicate with love and respect. Amen.”

thanksgiving prayer for family
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“Lord, we look forward to the future with hope and anticipation. May your blessing be upon us as we continue to grow and learn together as a family. Amen.”

thanksgiving for family
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“Lord, we thank you for the food we are about to eat and the shelter we have. May we be grateful for your provision and share your blessings with others. Amen.”

thanksgiving prayer
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“We give thanks, Lord, for the blessings of family and friends. May our hearts overflow with gratitude and joy as we gather together to celebrate this special day. Amen.”

Thanksgiving prayers for family gatherings
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“Lord, we thank you for bringing us together as a family. May your love bind us together in unity, and may your peace fill our hearts. Amen.”

Thanksgiving prayers to God

When we offer Thanksgiving prayers to God, we should reflect upon his divine attributes and blessings he showers upon us and to his forgiving nature.

Following are some of the divine Thanksgiving prayers you can make to God.

prayer for thanksgiving to god
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“Lord, we give thanks for our health and well-being. Thank you for your healing touch and for sustaining us. May we use our health to serve you and others. Amen.”

prayer thank you god
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“Lord, we are grateful for the promise of eternal life. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross. May we live our lives in anticipation of eternity with you. Amen.”

prayer of thanks
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“Lord, we are grateful for your hope and faith. Thank you for your promise of eternal life. May we live our lives in accordance with your will and trust in your plan. Amen.”

prayers of thanksgiving
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“Lord, we are grateful for your forgiveness and grace. Thank you for your mercy and compassion. May we be forgiven and extend forgiveness to others. Amen.”

prayer of thanksgiving
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“Lord, we are grateful for your love and compassion. Thank you for your example of selflessness and sacrifice. May we love others as you love us. Amen.”

thank you lord prayer
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“Lord, we are grateful for the opportunities and blessings you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for your guidance and provision. May we use our gifts and talents to serve you and others. Amen.”

thanks prayer to god
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“Lord, we give thanks for the beauty and wonder of your creation. Thank you for the earth, the sky, and all that is in them. May we care for your creation and be stewards of the earth. Amen.”

Thanks giving prayers to god
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“Lord, we are grateful for the gift of family and friends. Thank you for their love and support. May we cherish our relationships and always be a source of blessing to one another. Amen.”

Thanksgiving prayers to god
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“Lord, our God, we give thanks to you for all your blessings upon us. Thank you for your love, your mercy, and your faithfulness. May our hearts be filled with gratitude for all that you have given us. Amen.”

thanksgiving prayer to god our father
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“Lord, we are grateful for your peace and joy. Thank you for your presence in our lives. May we be filled with your peace and radiate your joy to others. Amen.”

Frequently Asked Question:

What is the best way to express gratitude?

There are many ways to show gratitude. You can keep a gratitude journal, practice mindfulness, volunteer your time, thank others, and say Thanksgiving prayers.

Why is gratitude important?

Gratitude has many benefits, like better mental health, more happiness, stronger relationships, and improved physical health.

How can I offer Thanksgiving prayers?

Thanksgiving prayers can be formal or informal, spoken out loud or silently. You can say them alone or with others.


Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, reflect, and celebrate. It’s a chance to appreciate the blessings we’ve received throughout the year.

By offering Thanksgiving prayers and showing gratitude, we can enrich our lives and strengthen our connection with God.

If you are here till the end, I would suppose you liked the effort I put into this article, Share it with your loved ones and stay blessed. 

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

About Muhammad Atif Shah

Hello, welcome to my world of dreams and spirituality! My name is Muhammad Atif Shah, a passionate "Oneirocritic" with over three years of experience in the fascinating field of dream interpretation.

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